Help Preserve the Legacy: Donate Artifacts
Why Donate Artifacts
The public can help enrich our collections by donating artifacts related to the rich history of the Packard automobile, including advertising art, parts, photographs, and more. We use these items in our exhibits and educational programs, and make them available to interested scholars and researchers. We are very selective of the items we accept. While we wish we could accept any and all offers, the Museum has neither the storage capability nor the staff resources to accept everything. We generally do not consider unsolicited donations, nor can we promise to display loaned or donated items. Our curatorial team is very focused on telling the complete Packard story, and donation offers are accepted after a rigorous selection process.
How to Donate Artifacts
If you have a Packard item of interest please send a detailed description, with photos if possible, to info@americaspackardmuseum.org. After careful consideration, staff will direct you for further action. The entire team at America’s Packard Museum thanks you for thinking of us!
Did you like Show and Tell at school?
For many children, show and tell is a favorite part of the school day. The teacher lets them bring in something from home. When it is their turn, they lift up their object and tell classmates about it.
Storytelling through objects and artifacts, whether at school or the museum, is a way to for people to relate to one another. These have long been used as a way to get people thinking about viewpoints beyond their own as well as to express our experiences to others.