The New Packard Caribbean TV Commercial

The New Packard Caribbean Television Commercial

“Packard presents the exclusive new Caribbean, America’s modest sportscar... What better way to show you this great new motor car than on a tour through beautiful Washington…That’s the historic Jefferson Memorial in the background [showing the Washington Monument]. The Packard Caribbean is for you who want the finest in a sports car, one the combines distinctive European styling with real American comfort and stamina. It’s so easy to handle, so full of power, that driving is shear pleasure.”

The image of Packard automobiles during the early 1950s was "perceived as stodgy and old-fashioned." Packard needed a "halo car to cast a modern glow on the marque." The company prepared a concept car, the Packard Pan-American, earning positive reception at auto shows during 1952. The Caribbean was introduced for the 1953 model year as "Packard's sportiest car ... based on the standard Cavalier convertible, with custom touches transforming it into a line-topping stunner. The Packard Caribbean was a full-sized luxury car made by Packard from 1953-1956.It was available only as a convertible from 19533-1955, with a hardtop model added in its final 1956 production run.


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